DPA d:dicate MMP-B Preamplifier with low cut and high boost filters.
Combine this preamp with any capsule in the DPA d:dicate Recording Microphones series.
Total 2.80 USD
630.00 USD CAD
DPA d:dicate MMP-B Preamplifier with low cut and high boost filters.
DPA d:dicate MMP-B Preamplifier with low cut and high boost filters.
Combine this preamp with any capsule in the DPA d:dicate Recording Microphones series.
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2243 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505
(323) 876-7525
17 Carlaw Avenue, Unit 4
Toronto,ON M4M 2R6
(866) 778-8739
(416) 778-0656
1706 Defoor Place NW
Atlanta GA 30318
(404) 947-2160
3737 Napier Street
Burnaby,BC V5C 3E4
(604) 299-9122
220 Great Circle Rd, Ste 116
Nashville,TN 37228
(800) 241-8994
(615) 256-3542
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