Nagra-VI Review
by Glen Trew
Another great review. Your pic of the IV-S sitting on top of the VI really tells the story on its size. I remember when a Nagra was considered a very small recorder! The updates you suggested will make the machine much more usable in the way recordists work these days. If you or or someone you know used the VI on a job(s), please let us know how you set it up and how it all went.
Philip Perkins CAS
A great review Glen. Thanks!
I have a few quick questions.
Is the battery proprietary or could you use any NP1 Lithium and if so, will the unit charge any lithium?
I assume this is true that the unit automatically ups the take count when you stop and hit record again?
How easy is it to navigate around the screen and set up the U1, U2, U3 buttons? Is it user friendly or deep in the menu?
The attached battery is made by Nagra and specific to Nagra. The charging circuit is built into the battery, and the charging current comes from the included AC-DC supply that uses a 3-pin Lemo.
The Nagra-VI can also be powered by 12VDC through its 4-pin XLR. However, this will not charge the battery. An NP-1 could be used to power the Nagra-VI through the 4-pin connector.
The Nagra-VI draws less the 1 amp (my tests showed 0.8A in record), so a 70W/hr Lithium NP-1 battery should last about 5 hours.
Glen Trew
Answering Tyler
The iXML compatible Metadata allows entry of project title, scenes with take number update and false-start, track names, production notes, including overwrite with copy update.
Navigation through the clearly laid-out user-oriented menu structure is straightforward, and it couldn’t be easier to set-up all the Nagra VI parameters, the way you need and want it.
Peter Weibel in L.A.
Navigation around the screen is easy to figure out, even without a manual, but sometimes requires going through several submenus, taking too long for quick changes. That's what the user keys are for (U1, U2, U3) -- to quickly get to sub menu screens.
Programing the user keys is easy. Simply go the the user key programing screen and select which key to program. Then go to the screen you wish to assign to the user key, and then press the user key.
This is the one I've been waiting for for several years. So you are now giving it the thumbs up and will be selling and supporting the Nagra VI?
Hi Brad,
Yes, thumbs up, as described. Warranty service from Nagra USA in Nashville, just up the road from Trew Audio.
Glen Trew
Are they ready to go now?
Yes. I heard we sold our US stock last week, but restocking should be fast.
Glen Trew
hi. great review,,,here a few questions,,,,
what is the capacity of the internal hard-drive ?
what is the actual weight ?
i presume that there is no cost involved from NAGRA for updated softwear ?
Hi Bob,
The Nagra-VI currently comes with a 120G internal hard drive. All downloadable firmware revisions have been at no charge.
The total weight with standard battery is 8.3 pounds, and with high capacity battery the weight is 9.5 pounds. Keep in mind that it will be about 2 pounds lighter if the internal battery is not used (such as on a cart or in a bag with distributed power).
Glen Trew
Great review, Glenn. Two questions, though. 1) Can an external slate mic be used, perhaps routed through one of the standard mic inputs? and 2) would it be easy to configure the mixed track to channel 1, which is my preferred way to work these days.
Hi Ed,
There are currently no provisions for an external slate mic input, however, it seems reasonable that a firmware option could route an input to the slate. I'll suggest this to Nagra. Otherwise, a slate mic modification, such as the one we did on your Deva, could probably be done.
Regarding putting the mix to track-1: Of course, when using an external mixer, your mix track can be whatever track you want it to be. But, at this time, when using the Nagra's internal mixer, the mix must go to either 5 & 6 or 6. This can be a problem for transfer machines such as the DV-40 because it will only show tracks 1-4, when all it usually needs is the mono mix. For now, this can be remedied by mirroring only the mix track, which would then appear as track 1 or tracks 1 & 2.
Possibly a Cantar-style option to assign the mix as tracks 1 & 2 on the mirrored copies is in order for the Nagar-VI. I'll suggest that also.
Glen Trew
Thanks a lot for such a great review. I can't wait to hear this "New Classic".
Now, Is it possible to somehow raise the track count like it's done with the 788T and CL8 used together?
When can we see (and buy) the Nagra Vl on the trewaudio website?
Hi Andres,
As far as I know, the maximum number of tracks will always be limited to 6. Considering the number of inputs (6 when using an external mixer and 5 when making a mono mix with the internal mixer) 6 tracks seems to make sense, especially for its price point in the market (If there were more tracks, people would want more inputs, and when there were more inputs...)
The Nagra-VI will be listed in our online store in the next day or so.
Thanks for participating,
Glen Trew
I was in korea nagra6 users abeautiful nagra6
Clever review,
Here at Paris (France) i'm using the Nagra6 (N°43..)
for some "over the shouder" shooting and sometimes
fitted on my cart for fiction. Summary, this machine improve my work and my feeling with these friendly controls.
Thank you Yves. It's good to hear about actual field experiences. If you have any photos you would not mind sharing, please send them to webmaster@trewaudio.com.
Blaise Gabiout (Swiss sound recordist) put his attention
and told with me and other Nagra6 users about the 1khz tone routing. Unfortunatly the 1khz feed on the analog out in pre-routing..meaning the ref level appear on the analog out like the sum of 1khz on each track assigned on this out (usually 5or6) so you can overload the out for 10 or 15 db without visual indication on the recorder himself and fitted your level like this, consequently you dimed your recording level in inverted way(-10 or -15db)...this is a hazardous situation..
So for the analog output level adjustement take care to feed one track tone level only , and put (if necessary) the others after checking the external record level.
Nagra as been advertised for this and work on it.
Thank to Blaise for watching this.
Yes the mix track(s) are additive, so the same tone on all 4 input tracks will create a tone on the mix channel(s) analog outputs that is 12dB higher than the reference (each doubling increases the level by 6dB). When using an external recorder (or other device) set to this artificially high alignment tone, it would result in levels much lower than they should be on the external device.
This issue was also discovered with other recorders, such as the Deva, that have matrix routing ability to the outputs. It could be that the best way to deal with this is simply for the recordist to understand why this is happening, and, like Yves suggests, send only one tone channel the mix outputs when aligning an external device (such as a backup recorder). Because, if an external tone is used on the inputs, the same thing would happen even if Nagra made special routing provisions with the internal tone.
Thank you, Yves and Blaise, for reporting this.
Glen Trew
Came across this site while looking for a PortaBrace case/harness for my Nagra VI (v2.0) which I'm currently using to shoot drama in Poland. Mainly over the shoulder, this dictated by the style of the shoot. The supplied case could be better in my opinion.
Adding to the earlier comments I can say that when it comes to power it's almost like in the days of analogue Nagras. High capacity battery (13.8Ah) after 12 hours of work and in addition powering 1 or 2 boom mics and 3 Micron receivers in rather cold conditions went down to about 50% its capacity. I found 2nd monitoring output very handy, it meant that when the Director wanted to listen to some crucial, in his opinion, takes or just hear talent all I needed was another pair of cans, in this case my spare set. I browsed the manual briefly once and never had to go back to it since, it's that easy to use. Updating scenes, writing false starts & pick-ups is very intuitive, quick and easily done on the go. Sonic qualities are incredible, as expected from Nagra.
With regards to size... there is no risk of pressing the wrong switch with or without gloves, day or night, everything that is needed is right in front of the eyes and... Nagra VI doesn't overheat!
Now, as the display is fairly large and seem to have decent resolution I wonder if it could receive, with some engineering tweaks, video assist signal. Sound crazy but at times when it's slung over my shoulder and with little time for rehearsals I wished I could flick a switch and have the frame right in front of me. Dear Nagra, can you oblige?
Dear Glen Trew
I live in South Korea
My name is Mr. Kim
User nagra6 is ver2.0 In Use
It takes the trouble when connecting usb keyboard
Mac does not recognize usb keyboard
When waiting for the upgrade version, which I do not know
When I got there on the site was upgraded hardware nagra Information phrases do not think
After the new terminal is the keyboard become the limits of software upgrades
Headquartered in Switzerland, do I send my tape recorder?
Hi, on the first Nagra6 generation the usb port need to be hardware upgrade for correctly drive an DvdRam or keyboard .
It is possible to
fit a second usb port on N6 for simultaneous use externalDvdRam AND Keyboard, one port is enough ( after upgrade) for DvdRam OR Keyboard. See with your Nagra Dealer, the original usb port upgrade is free, the second one fit is not..
Actualy i use a dvdram for miroring with success ( only particular dvdram models works well)
Major update coming soon, information from Nagra Cie at professional sound exhibition in Paris.
Hi Yves. Thanks very much for sharing.
Glen Trew
Hello Mr. Kim,
I do not know which service center customers in South Korea should use. I am alerting Nagra in Switzerland about your situation, and I'm sure they will respond.
Glen Trew
New software update ( 2.10) available on Nagra site since few hours.
A lot of improvements for internal slate, metadata editing, internal mixer and pot allocation and fonction switching ( gain/mixer)
And many other stuff.
Enjoy !
I first had a Nagra VI in my hands back in July 2008 when I wrote the first veview of the machine for LineUp magazine in the UK and loved it so much I immediately bought my own unit, which I received in about October 2008 (so I have had it for about 15 months now).
I loved it then and I love it even more now - the upgrades make it better and better.
The mic. pres are superb and the ADC/DAC are about the best around.
I got the haigh capacity battery option as it will go for a full day and more (12-15 hours) and can then be recharged overnight.
I have even been using a stereoset of an AES42 digital mic. with it, powered direct from the Nagra VI (MKH 8040 + Y-cable + MZD 800 + Neummann video connection kit).
Mine now has the latest 2.1 software and all the hardware upgrades except the second USB one as I will not use a keyboard and external drive at the same time.
A wonderful machine that I love to bits.
By the way - my main use is classical music location recording.
Just for info, my Nagra6 as been fitted with
128Go ssd disk and a second usb port.
Now he can drive a external DD with usb powering.
The 2 external power output (hirose) actually drive 500mA each, Nagra is looking for increase this value.
Merci, à bientot.
Yves Capus.
A very new update for Nagra6 ( 3.0 ) , fitted 2 trcks more
. The Nagra6 is now a 8 tracks recorder ! .
Nice isn't it ? :)
Yes, the v3 software really makes the Nagra VI better - and nice to see that they have now also incorporated my suggestion of meter options for replay as well.
The Nagra VI really does get better and better with every new software update - they are improvements and not bug fixes.
Just in case.. since the V3 update, for copying process you need to put the track 8 "on record" or "on copying" . If you put on rec or on copy the mixdown track 7 only, the copy or auto copy process does not allowed and the info "idle" is display on copy manager. For avoid this, put the track 8 on rec or on copy it even if 8 is an empty track...
I did see that cause i used the trck 7 only for mono mixdown and, in this case, the copy process is not allowed even if the trck 7 is recorded.Once the track 8 put on rec and copy on, this matter as disapear and all copy process goes on "strong and loud" :)
Cheers .
Thanks, Yves.
This bug is corrected on version 3.02 update.
Available on Nagraaudio support.
For some reason Nagra did not know about the track 8 thing. It seemed nobody told them.
I found this out on a session on Wednesday this week when the CF back-up copy did not happen.
I fired off an e-mail in the evening to Nagra and a few users for help.
I got user replies within an hour or two (none mentioning the track-8 thing).
In the morning I had a reply from Nagra saying that I was right, there was a bug and that they had been working on a solution since 7am.
The next morning I received another e-mail saying they had fixed the bug and were doing final testing. The v3.02 fix was on the website early in the afternoon.
That's less than 36 hours from my reporting a problem to the fix being on the website - bearing in mind that it was 11 hours before they got into the office and could read my mail.
Absolutely superb service.
PS - I was recording a live session of 6 tracks and had only selected the 6 tracks I was recording to be backed up.
And - I *have* tested the v3.02 update - yes, it cures the problem.
Do you mean Nagra team, doesn't read "Trewaudioflow" ?..hmmm i'm a little bit disapointing.. :)
Looks like it, unfortunately.
And, for some reason, I must have missed the e-mail when you posted the original track-8 problem.
Anyway, all fixed now - now I am waiting for the stand-alone mic. pre. due in the autumn.