Ambient ACN-NL-L- NanoLockit with Logging Feature

From: 219.00 USD

The NanoLockit can now additionally be used as a Logger. This feature was designed with content creators, directors and filmmakers in mind.

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With its matchbox-size form-factor, the Ambient NanoLockit provides timecode by way of our acclaimed Lockit circuitry to anything from DSLRs to film cameras. Despite its small size, it delivers our crystal-tuned timecode via the industry standard, locking 5-pin LEMO connector. And for newer users that may not be using timecode gear, we include a LEMO to 3.5mm interface cable so the NanoLockit will work for DSLRs and consumer cameras right out of the box.


With onboard wireless ACN technology, the days of tediously jamming Lockits one-by-one with a cable are gone! This, along with the auto power on external supply feature, enables a “set & forget” process on hard to access configurations such as steadycams, gimbals, and drones – while the integrated battery will power the NanoLockit up to 35 hours on a full charge.


Syncing up even the most complex gear setup is literally a one button experience. After being set to the internal Real Time Clock or jammed by external timecode, any NanoLockit can wirelessly jam sync all other units on the set. The framerate is set automatically when jammed and does not require connection to an app or in-depth menu navigation.

Available as a single or a Double pack.