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Rycote Stickies
From: 10.99 USDRycote Stickies are double-sided adhesive pads, used to affix small, personal microphones directly onto the skin or on top of clothing
DPA Gooseneck Mount for d:screet Microphones
110.00 USD CADUsed to mount a microphone on an instrument, the GM1600 Gooseneck Mount is a combination of a 15.3 cm (6 in) long gooseneck and shock mount.
Remote Audio CABNCVID25 BNC Video Cable Canare LV-61S
47.00 USD CAD75 ohm BNC video cable. Canare LV-61S cable with RG59 connectors.
Sound Devices Ambisonics Plugin
From: 49.00 USDSound Devices Ambisonics Plugin -- Record 360° audio and monitor binaurally
Remote Audio CAT5FX3M18 Balanced Adapter TA5F to XLR3M
38.00 USD CADBalanced adapter cable. Channel one (left) output. TA5F to XLR3M.
Triad-Orbit O2 Dual Orbital Arm Boom
308.99 USD CADThe world’s first dual orbital arm boom, the Triad-Orbit O2 is anchored by a novel center swivel that provides an additional 150° of left-right motion to the boom arms.
Deity SPD-T4DT TA4F to D-Tap Cable
27.00 USD CADDeity SPD-T4DT TA4f to D-Tap cable -- For use with TA4f-compatible powered devices that are within the voltage range of a P-Tap (D-Tap) battery.
Remote Audio CABETAMIX Breakaway Mixer End Cable
150.00 USD CADENG breakaway mixer end. 10-pin Hirose M to Neutricon M.
Timecode Systems TCB-41 9-Pin LEMO to USB-A
61.69 USD CAD9 Pin LEMO to USB A, TCS/SD Interface cable (CL-12)